Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Feeling Pretty Good

I feeling really good physically. I started a new workout regiment. One that was sent to me and one from the Jilliam Michaels workout.

I have moments each week where I get tired of the structured eating habits. But, then I try on clothes and get ready for the day and I remember how much it is worth it.

It's been a long time since I have seen this size.

What's even more amazing is how people respond to people who take care of themselves physically. I have always had smart things to say. But, I can tell you more people listen and are attentive to my work and my ideas. More doors are opened for me and I am called young lady a lot more now. Quite funny actually. I really hope that is not my same approach to people. Intelligence and beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. I chose to be a different size.

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