Thursday, June 28, 2012

The New Me....

Been a long road....but, it finally hit me this week....this picture. I have done it. I have re-invented myself physically. Some work to be done. But, from where I come from this is amazing to me.

The lady at the Weight Watchers Meeting told me I do not look like I weighed that kind of weight. I am not sure what the means....but, I know made me feel better. It made me feel proud. I still have big arms. And, I still want more definition in my thighs and in my abs....but the hard work has paid off. And, make no mistake I have worked out as hard as I think should have. But, I have stayed the course. I have stayed consistent and stayed away from those tempting foods. I have wanted to reward myself but, I have not taken the chance.

All of my skirts are now lose. I have a few blouses/shirts that fit me but, for the most part they are too big too. I have exceeded the holes on my, it's time to replace them. My feet have gotten smaller. Crazy is how I have to describe this. I have lose weight before. And, I have loss more than 68 pounds. But, this by far is the best time. I needed this for better health...for more confidence and pride.

Wow!! That's all I can say. This picture says it all.

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