Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not Much Of A Weight Loss This Week

Not much of a weight loss this week. Somehow I have to get to the next level and attain the weight I want. I didn't think it would be this hard. I was cruising for awhile there. But, it seems I plateau every 3-4 weeks.
So, let's see how I attack this. I still say it is taxing to always focus on weight loss and what you put in your body. Especially for someone who has just not made it a consistent practice.

It's also funny how this diet has caused an eb and flow in my emotions and confidence.

But, I know I can do this. It's just figuring out the next step.

I know last week I exercise more than any other week. But, I also had a lot of pasta last week and I had a lot of Mexican.

I did feel good all week though. I felt like I was doing the right thing. I do remember Saturday and Sunday feeling like I had too much too eat. But, again, I think it was the pasta. I will do my best to focus more on the protein and vegetable. Also, I had a lot of oatmeal and added sugar. That usually does not bother me though.
I have cut back on snacks that are not 0 points. I think I faltered last week though and had a lot of things other than fruit and veggies to snack on.

Again, a re-focus is necessary.

I was in Charlotte today getting my life in order. This is what I wore. I love the look and the feel but, I didn't think it was flattering to my figure. I would love to get to the point where clothes hung well on me.

I constantly check the mirror for re-affirmation of my weight loss. Sometimes I am pleased and sometimes I am impatient that the process is going so slow.

Patience is needed.

This brown suit has been in my closet for 6 years. This week I was able to wear. A mildstone that I celebrate for sure. I never thought I would to this point. But, I have been using this suit as a barometer for my weight loss. So, maybe the pounds have not dropped this week but, the inches are definitely dropping. I will continue to find new things to try. My close are the true test. I took some pictures today. I did it in my Nike shorts and Nike Sports Bra. Now, that was am eye opening experience. I have a lot of work to do on the abs. WOW!!! I am thinking of doing the Insanity Workout. I need to add more activity. Gonna investigate that for sure.

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