Monday, March 26, 2012

Weigh In Tomorrow is the smallest I have felt since I started this journey. And, I have realized this is truly a journey. I have thought of all the things that come with being smaller but, I forgot how this tough it is to be consistent. It's tough to stay on track and stay focus. Your only reward late at night when your stomach is growling it knowing that the end of the rainbow is worth and getting closer. The feeling is amazing. I don't hide from mirrors now.

And, the best line I have heard is...."I have gone from have want to." What a difference. I look forward to stuff in my closet. I look forward to shopping. I have gone from a 22 to a 14 and still progressing. 

My face has slimmed tremendously. I have a face. And, I have gone from XXL tees to XL. Thank God for giving me the strength to initiate this continue....and to realize this is the only way to long term health. Again...what was I thinking before? Amazing!

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